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Hi there,

I’m Phoebe, a qualified clinical Pilates instructor in Australia, educator, yoga instructor, and Myotherapist with 16 years experience working in the health and wellness space.

I am also the Founder and CEO of Pilates Mini.


During lockdown I searched high and low for a compact, lightweight, easy and affordable Pilates set-up for home, but found nothing.

So I created it.


Over the last year, I have used the Pilates Mini everyday. The resistance-based workouts have made me feel so much stronger, in mind and body. I was amazed at the feeling during and after only ten minutes of working out with Pilates Mini. 


And now I am ready to share this brand new at-home Pilates workout with the community.

In a 10 minute workout Pilates Mini can help improve your blood circulation, breathing, energy levels and mood. In a 20 minute workout it can strengthen, increase joint stability, assist in tone, and increase flexibility and mobility.



Phoebe xx

CEO & Founder, Pilates Mini


We are a global company that provides innovative solutions and services to businesses all over the world.


United States

United Kingdom







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